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Australia 2001
Directed by
David Caesar
99 minutes
Rated MA

Reviewed by
Bernard Hemingway
3 stars


Much like his previous film Idiot Box.Mullet is a modest but well-made film that demonstrates an eye for visual style and love of the Australian idiom.

Once again writer-director Caesar re-teams Idiot Box’s  Ben Mendelsohn and Susie Porter along with Andrew S. Gilbert) in a story which sees Mendelsohn's Eddie returns to his home town on the coast of New South Wales (The film was shot in its entirety in the town of Kiama, 120k south of Sydney, over four weeks in June 2000). Having left for the Big Smoke without explanation 3 years earlier, he tries to fit back into small town life but no-one, including his ex-girlfriend,Tully (Susie Porter), and brother, Pete (Andrew Gilbert), and his Mum and Dad (Kris McQuade and Tony Barry) are particularly pleased to see him.

Caesar's home turf is the classic beer-and-barbie culture of the 1970s and '80s which here become the locus fro a small tale of personal redemption.

FYI: The title of the film refers not to to the men’s hairstyle that was so popular in the 1970s and ‘80s but to Eddie's nickname and his attempts to make a living poaching mullet, the species of fish.





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