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Australia 2015
Directed by
Shane Abbess
110 minutes
Rated MA

Reviewed by
Andrew Lee
2 stars


Synopsis: In the 23rd century impoverished workers teleport to extraterrestrial mining stations for hazardous day labour. Whit Carmichael (Daniel MacPherson) joins a military crew there to assist when things go wrong. Things go wrong very quickly and Whit escapes an unexpected attack by teleporting to the space station, Infini, but even here the danger is not over.

A few years ago, I saw an Aussie action fantasy film called Gabriel. It was visually striking but the story left me a bit cold. Still, I was eager to see what the director would do next, because he clearly had a good eye. He still does. Infini is a really impressive looking film for a low-budget independent effort with a cool sci-fi aesthetic that reminds me, in a good way, of the Dead Space video game franchise.

The film jumps quickly into the action with something going wrong on a distant mining base and people being driven violently insane from a virus. But unfortunately, a bit before the halfway mark, the film's drive gives out and instead we get a series of vignettes of a rescue crew going out of their mind while our hero struggles to stay alive. Abbess, who co-wrote the screenplay, never manages to weave the action into a satisfying narrative arc, something which is essential for such a story-driven genre.

If you like cool industrial sci-fi production design, this is a film for you. Just don’t expect too much from the story




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